City of Port ColbornePort Colborne Senior Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting AgendaMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, August 20, 2024Time: 10:00 A.m. - 11:00 A.m.Location:Committee Room 3-City Hall66 Charlotte Street, Port Colborne, Ontario, L3K 3C81.Call to Order 2.Adoption of the Agenda 3.Disclosures of Interest 4.Approval of Minutes 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - PCSAC_Jun18_2024 - English.pdf5.Business Arising from Minutes 6.Order of Business 6.1Update on Seniors Community Grant 6.2Music on the Lawn Outreach Table 7.New Business 8.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Post-Meeting Minutes - PCSAC_Jun18_2024 - English.pdf