City of Port ColborneMeeting to Consider Revised AgendaMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, September 03, 2024Time: 6:30 P.m. - 11:00 P.m.Location:Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall 66 Charlotte Street, Port Colborne1.Call to Order 2.Adoption of Agenda 3.Disclosures of Interest 4.Delegations Requests to delegate, both written and appearing virtually, will be accepted until noon the day of the meeting by contacting Please note residents are not required to register as a delegation to address Council. 4.1Cathy Kalynuik 4.2Christine Allen - 2591 Firelane 3 4.3Gino Stinziani - 2591 Firelane 3 4.4Eric Reisi 4.5John McAdam - 519 Pinecrest Road 4.6James Kalynuik - 851 Pinecrest Road 4.7Sonja Sawdon - 560 Pinecrest Road 4.8Chris Phelan - 936 Cedar Bay Road 4.9Kevin Scott - 942 Cedar Bay Road 4.10Daisy Phelan - 936 Cedar Bay Road 4.11James Vance - 6 Northgate Drive 4.12Danielle Scott - 942 Cedar Bay Road 4.13Jeff Stam - 3603 Miller Road 4.14Dee Sawdon - 560 Pinecrest Road 4.15Linda Grant - 813 Pinecrest Road 4.16Jamie Lundy - 2843 Tracey Terrace 4.17Monical Zabol - 738 Cedar Bay Road 5.Municipal Drain 5.1Meeting to Consider the Oil Mill Creek Municipal Drain Report, 2024-164 1.Meeting to Consider the Oil Mill Creek Drain - 2024-164.pdf2.Appendix A - Drain Options Investigations.pdf3.Appendix B - Oil Mill Creek Drain Report July 22 2024.pdfPresentation: Paul C. Marsh, P. Eng., EWA Engineering Inc.6.By-law 6.1Being a By-law to Provide for a Section 78 Engineer’s Report for Drainage works in the City of Port Colborne Known as the Oil Mill Creek Municipal Drain (Provisional - First and Second Reading) 1.PROVISIONAL BY-LAW - OIL MILL CREEK.pdf6.2 By-law to Adopt, Ratify and Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Port Colborne at its Meeting to Consider of September 3, 2024 1.Confirming By-law.pdf7.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Confirming By-law.pdf1.PROVISIONAL BY-LAW - OIL MILL CREEK.pdf1.Meeting to Consider the Oil Mill Creek Drain - 2024-164.pdf2.Appendix A - Drain Options Investigations.pdf3.Appendix B - Oil Mill Creek Drain Report July 22 2024.pdf