City of Port ColbornePort Colborne Senior Advisory Committee Meeting MinutesMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, October 15, 2024Time: 10:00 A.m. - 11:00 A.m.Location:Committee Room 3-City Hall66 Charlotte Street, Port Colborne, Ontario, L3K 3C8Member(s) Absent:S. BrownM. CooperD. SantarellaT. McDowellN. Salvage1.Call to Order Meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum. 2.Adoption of the Agenda 3.Disclosures of Interest 4.Approval of Minutes 5.Business Arising from Minutes 6.Order of Business 6.1Fall Festivals Recap 6.2Christmas Craft Shows Portal Village Craft Show Nov. 15th Baptist Church Craft Show Dec. 7th 6.3Name Tags 6.42025 Budget 7.New Business 8.Adjournment The Chair adjourned the meeting at approximately XX.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.