City of Port Colborne

Port Colborne Senior Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting #:
Committee Room 3-City Hall
66 Charlotte Street, Port Colborne, Ontario, L3K 3C8
Members Present:
  • M. Cooper
  • D. Santarella
  • T. McDowell
  • N. Salvage
Member(s) Absent:
  • S. Brown
Staff Present:
  • R. Carter
  • D. Rudyk
  • M. Aquilina, Councillor
  • S. McDowell, Public Programmer, Museum and Culture

The Staff Liaison called the meeting to order at 10:03am. 

Moved by D. Rudyk 

Seconded by N. Salvage 

Moved by D. Rudyk 

Seconded by D. Santarella 

Sloane gave an update on the Seniors Grant. The draft is complete, and it will be edited and ready to submit by March 22nd. 

Rob suggested possibly adding hours to the requested part time staff member for the grant. From 8 hours a week to 14. Sloane will discuss this with Stephanie. 

Rob mentioned another federal grant "My Main Street". Sloane will look into it to see if the Seniors Advisory  would be eligible for it. 

Councillor Aquilina and Sloane shared their experience at the Learning café event. 

Seniors at the meeting expressed their want for more programming; concert series, bus tours, chair yoga etc.. - this can be something our committee works towards offering within the community. 

Councillor Aquilina brought in an infographic from the City of Thorold and the Age-Friendly Community with important information and services for seniors.

Sloane will make a draft version pertaining to Port Colborne and send it to the committee. 

The group agreed that having both a brochure about the committee and other community groups as well as a rack card would be the best idea for the committee. 

Sloane reviewed the website Mike sent with the personalized magnifier cards. The group agreed it was good to purchase them now rather than later in the year, to have them in time for market days. 

Motion for Sloane to purchase 500 white magnifiers for $378 with the Seniors Advisory Committees logo on the front.

Moved by R. Carter 

Seconded by D. Santarella 



Councillor Monique spoke about the Niagara Older Adults Association meeting that the Councillor and Sloane attended on February 29th. 

CARP Representative was not present at the meeting. 

Marilyn Barton was not present at the meeting. 

Rob suggested the committee create a plan for the Farmer's Market this summer. A schedule should be made to get volunteers for each market day. 

Sloane will come prepared with a rough start and end date for Market and when the committee wants to be there. 

The committee should try and create a list of other community groups to come and share the table with us. i.e. CARP, Friends over 55. 

The library would like to partner with us and have offered us a table monthly at the library to hand out brochures. 

Dorothy asked Mike Cooper about resources for shut-in seniors. 

Mike offered to send the group information for the Library's 'Visiting Library' program that delivers books to anyone who is shut-in due to illness, injury or age. 

This is the kind of information we want to share with the community. 

Tammy handed out pamphlets with information about how to fill out the regions accessibility survey. 

Rob asked for an update on the Stopgap program.

Councillor Aquilina shared that the Public Works department is still working on applying for the StopGap program. 

This brought up a discussion about accessibility on West St. and what needs to be improved in the future. 

The Staff Liaison adjourned the meeting at approximately 11:07am 

Moved by T. McDowell

Seconded by D. Sanatarella 

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