City of Port Colborne
Committee of Adjustment Meeting Agenda

Meeting #:
Committee Room 3-City Hall
66 Charlotte Street, Port Colborne, Ontario, L3K 3C8

Action: Consent

Agent: Weston Consulting 

Applicant: One Forty Development Inc. 

Location: 5088 Highway 140

Action: Consent

Agent: Weston Consulting

Applicant: One Forty Development Inc.

Location: 5088 Highway 140

Action: Minor Variance

Applicant: Henley Heights Construction Inc.

Location: VL Steele Street

Note: The recommendation report for this application will be included in the addendum package.


Action: Minor Variance

Applicant: Henley Heights Construction Inc.

Location: VL Fielden Avenue

Note: The recommendation report for this application will be included in the addendum package.

Action: Minor Variance

Agent: Matt Kernahan

Applicant: 2600261 Ontario Inc.

Location: VL Northland Avenue

Note: The recommendation report for this application will be included in the addendum package.

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